Barry Lowry, Tiger fishing on the Zambezi River, October

“Back safe and sound from Zambia at the end of a fantastic holiday. Lodge brilliantly run by Yvonne and Mwaka and the guides. All the Lodge “activities” were well organised. I think that between us we did them all including a fantastic 14 hour safari deep into the National Park which involved having to change a tyre in front of 400 Buffalo (Guides estimate) and getting stuck in a dry river bed only to discover that a Pride of 8 lions were sleeping in the shade just a few yards from us! The fishing was good. We should have got more into the boat but we quickly learned about the difficulties of setting hooks in bony mouths. Between us I think we caught 10 tigers, the best fell to Peter Fraser, 12lb . My best was 10lb. Great sport!”

Barry Lowry, Tiger fishing on the Zambezi River, October